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30 Aug 2016
Dr Mark Lang
Dr Mark Lang explores Deep Place as an approach to bring greater equality and environmental sustainability to our communities.
29 Aug 2016
Atif Shafique
Brexit tends to be explained with reference to demographic factors but these characteristics can obscure the geography and place-based dimensions of Brexit.
25 Aug 2016
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter questions whether we are beginning to see the political consequences of inter-generational insecurity and concludes that we are.
Christoph Warrack
Christoph Warrack, Founder of Catalyst Award-winning project OpenCinema explains how the RSA Fellowship helped him explore the possibilities of social entrepreneurship.
Tom Gilliford Sam Fletcher
Tom and Sam, from the RSA's own Fellowship department, talk about their experience of having learning disabilities and how good design can help.
24 Aug 2016
Nathalie Spencer
Many of us would like to get more sleep but for some reason just don’t seem to get to bed in time to clock in our needed eight or so hours. Why might that be?
22 Aug 2016
Alexandra Krawiec
Alexandra Krawiec, our RSA Connector in Poland gives her perspective of Brexit and the implications it may have on her country.
19 Aug 2016
Benjamin Irvine
For young people faced with the prospect of earning less than their parents' generation, voting more may not be sufficient. Deliberative dialogue between generations about economics may hold the potential to achieve the kinds of policies they need.
18 Aug 2016
clem henricson
Clem Henricson, Chair of RSA South East for the last two years, gives an overview of the achievements made by the team and the Fellowship in the area during her time as Chair.
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