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21 Feb 2017
Harun Morrison
Seeds From Elsewhere is a community project whose aim is to re-animate a dilapidated play area in Finsbury Park, bringing together young asylum seekers and refugees, family, friends and other professionals.
Benedict Dellot Brhmie Balaram
16 Feb 2017
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter asks what a social mission driven industrial policy would look like - starting with care.
13 Feb 2017
Jim McMahon MP
Devolution has been seen as a way to grow economies from the grassroots up. But how do we know that this growth won’t pass people and places by, and that it will instead benefit everyone?
Reema Patel
We're launching a new crowdsourcing platform to ask RSA Fellows and the public for their views and ideas on tackling some of the most vital challenges in our economy.
Benedict Dellot
Developments in artificial intelligence and robotics are picking up pace. But are policymakers and regulators ready for the ethical fallout?
Rick Robinson
We – or more accurately our children – face an uncertain future. Dr Rick Robinson FRSA addresses the lack of funding in UK primary schools.
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor describes the three decisions he has made in chairing the Review of Modern Employment
09 Feb 2017
Kenny McCarthy
The publishing of the Government's green paper on industrial strategy seems to be the first signs of a shift towards a more interventionist approach to the economy. But does the new strategy really speak to those left behind?
Our new report, The Entrepreneurial Audit, argues that paring back corporation tax and culling regulation are at best insufficient policy moves, and at worst damaging to the long-term interests of the business community.
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