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Policy briefing
26 Oct 2023
Aidan Daly Hannah Breeze Mehak Tejani Nik Gunn
We partnered with Tower Hamlets to help reduce exclusions and improve practice in the borough as part of our Pinball Kids project. This policy briefing shares our findings and connects them to broader debates and trends in national policy and practice.
01 Feb 2021
Mehak Tejani
How can we solve the challenge of reducing school exclusions?
16 Mar 2020
Laura Partridge
School exclusions are increasing. Why? Laura Partridge explains the factors creating a ‘perfect storm’ of exclusions and how creating better relationships are at the heart of the solution.
Elinor Lobley
Inspiring examples of inclusive schools from our report 'Pinball Kids'
Matthew Taylor
Local leaders can and should take the initiative to strengthen collaboration on behalf on some of our most vulnerable children.
Laura Partridge Fran Landreth Strong Elinor Lobley Danielle Mason
What’s causing the rise in school exclusions and how to fix it.
17 Jan 2020
Fran Landreth Strong
Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are being excluded from school at a higher rate than their peers. Truly inclusive education is under threat.
27 Sep 2019
Danielle Mason
What’s causing the current shortage of teachers? Evidence suggests it’s not longer hours – could it be the lack of control over the growing number of responsibilities?
25 Sep 2019
The RSA asked teachers about school exclusions. They told us they need more help from other professionals to prevent exclusions.
We asked teachers about why they remove children from class, and what could help them. They told us they don’t want more training, but more support from other professionals.
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Exploring why school exclusions are increasing and how we can support students.