Fellowship Events
Public talks
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Showing 21 to 10 of 77 results
02 Mar 2017
Kersten England
Kersten England, Chief executive of Bradford Council outlines Bradford's commitment to inclusive growth in advance of the Inclusive Growth Commissions launch
01 Mar 2017
Charlotte Alldritt
Government can’t afford to be distracted by Brexit. We need inclusive growth to tackle the underlying causes of economic and political disaffection.
23 Feb 2017
Atif Shafique
It would be a huge mistake to respond to Brexit by turning the UK into a tax haven.
21 Feb 2017
Joseph Zammit-Lucia
Dr Joseph Zammit-Lucia FRSA outlines the need to examine the role corporate governance plays in how wealth is shared in our economy.
13 Feb 2017
Jim McMahon MP
Devolution has been seen as a way to grow economies from the grassroots up. But how do we know that this growth won’t pass people and places by, and that it will instead benefit everyone?
09 Feb 2017
Kenny McCarthy
The publishing of the Government's green paper on industrial strategy seems to be the first signs of a shift towards a more interventionist approach to the economy. But does the new strategy really speak to those left behind?
17 Jan 2017
Joseph Kilroy
Read the Royal Town Planning Institute's response to the RSA Inclusive Growth Commission’s call for evidence.
09 Jan 2017
David Boyle (blog)
Theresa May has recognised that an active government is necessary to support more people to be included in the economy. David Boyle explores what this might mean.
22 Dec 2016
People are still feeling disconnected from opportunities and employment in our cities. David Boyle reflects on the Inclusive Growth Commissions visit to Nottingham.
19 Dec 2016
Ed Mayo
Ed Mayo, Secretary General at Co-operatives UK, discusses the importance of economic ownership.
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