Fellowship Events
Public talks
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Fellowship news
24 Jan 2018
Professor Aseem Inam FRSA is giving a talk at Cardiff University, discussing his research on Las Vegas and its implications for contemporary cities.
11 Jan 2018
A host of new talks taking place as part of Imagine 2027, tasked with imagining how we can create a more equal society
12 Sep 2017
Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland, and Grant Ervin, RSA Fellow and Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Pittsburgh, were interviewed by Union Edge Radio in the US about the future of work and trends within the economy
30 Jul 2017
Want to get more involved with the RSA? Why not consider hosting an event this Autumn.
06 Jun 2017
Professor Adrian Wilkinson FRSA's has released 'A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about employment relations'
22 May 2017
The RSA are happy to be partners in the “Beyond Good Business” event, taking place on Tuesday 23 May at the Royal Institution in Mayfair.
07 May 2017
A new book is to be published that takes a human rights based approach to tax havens, and is a detailed analysis of structures and the laws which generate and support these.
23 Mar 2017
2017 marks 10 years since the global economic crash struck. Prep Foundation, run by RSA Fellow, Henry Leveson-Gower, will be using the various 10th anniversaries of Crash events to focus debate on how the economics profession needs to change.
16 Nov 2016
Henry Leveson-Gower FRSA is launching a new conference on the Challenge of Infrastructure post Brexit to be held on 24th January 2017 in a great new venue at County Hall, Westminster.
09 Mar 2016
RSA Fellows are invited to learn through practice from leading-edge digital businesses crowd-sourcing innovation and finance for projects for a better world.
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