Young Fellows Mentoring Programme - the RSA - RSA

Young Fellows Mentoring Programme

Young Fellows Mentoring Programme

Our Young Fellows Mentoring Programme catalyses transformation, encouraging Fellows to break down boundaries, embrace diversity, and forge lasting partnerships to drive meaningful social impact.

The results of our 2024 Annual Survey revealed that mentoring was one of our Fellows’ top five priorities for the RSA. So, we listened and we are delighted to launch this new programme for our Fellows.

Whether you want to utilise tailored guidance to help achieve your personal or professional goals or inspire the next generation of leaders, our mentorship scheme is now open to our global Fellowship community.

Through mentorships you can network, learn a lot of soft skills and gain practical advice on building a company from the ground up. That’s really important.

Founder of Enid Communications Freya Johns

Find an RSA mentor

Expand your network and receive expert support to grow in your field.

Mentor a Young Fellow

Shape the next generation today. Gain new perspectives and fresh insight.

For more info or any queries relating to the Young Fellows Mentoring Programme, get in touch by emailing

Not an RSA Fellow?

The RSA Young Fellows Mentoring Programme is only open to our Fellowship.

If you're aged between 18 and 25 you can join RSA Fellowship for as little as £1 per week.

Explore the Fellowship options below.

Become a Young Fellow

Are you aged between 18 and 25? Join RSA Fellowship for £1 a week and get access to the Young Fellows Mentoring Programme and much more.

Join the Fellowship

RSA Fellowship is a unique global network of social innovators enabling people, places and the planet to flourish.