RSA Scotland Conference - RSA

Fellows in Scotland gather for 2024 Annual Conference

Fellowship news

  • Picture of Kendra Foley
    Kendra Foley
    Fellowship Coordinator (Engagement)

On 18 June, the RSA Scotland Annual Conference 2024 was held at the French Institute of Scotland in Edinburgh. The event was an opportunity to reflect on the work of RSA Scotland so far and shape the future activity of Scotland’s 1,500 Fellows, helping them learn more about our Design for Life mission. 

The evening began with a welcome from Scotland Area Manager, Amy McInulty, setting the tone for a day of insightful presentations and discussions. 

Tom Stratton, RSA Chief of Staff, travelled to Edinburgh to present on Design for Life: the RSA’s missionto enable people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony, and the interventions we are working on to achieve this. His presentation was followed by a productive discussion among the Fellows, who offered great ideas and constructive feedback. A key theme that emerged was the emphasis on including rural communities in place-based initiatives. You can read more about Design for Life here.

It was an absolute pleasure to spend an evening with our vibrant Scottish fellowship, discussing the unique challenges Scotland faces, hearing about the great work of RSA Fellows, and talking about what the RSA’s Design for Life mission means for Scotland. I am hugely excited about what the next few years holds in store for the RSA in Scotland and look forward to playing my part.

RSA Chief of Staff Tom Stratton

Ann Packard, former RSA Trustee and one of the two current Fellowship Councillors for Scotland, presented on her work with the RSA. She discussed her roles, including her current positions as Fellowship Councillor and lead for two thematic micro-communities: Media, Creative Industries, Culture and Heritage (MCICH), and Rural and Environmental Issues (R+EINS). Packard encouraged Fellows to actively participate, bring forward new ideas, and organize local gatherings to connect, learn new skills and share expertise. 

Fellows then had the opportunity to network and connect in person.  

The RSA Scotland Annual Conference 2024 concluded with Fellows feeling energised to take action, with a deeper understanding of the Design for Life Mission and how they might align their work with this initiative. 

If you are a Fellow looking to get more involved, share your expertise, and connect with other Fellows, we encourage you to join Circle. There, you can stay up to date with upcoming events and news, post and read comment articles, and join forces with Fellows in your community. Not a Fellow? You can apply to join the Fellowship today. 

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Upcoming RSA Scotland Fellowship events

  • Online evening conversation

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    Online via Zoom

    Join an online conversation on a number of important topics, such as leadership, placemaking, prescribing culture and the energy industry.

  • Glasgow gathering

    Fellowship events

    First floor bar, citizenM Glasgow hotel 60 Renfrew Street Glasgow G2 3BW

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