Notice is hereby given that the 268th Annual General Meeting of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce) will be held in The Great Room at the Society’s House, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ on Tuesday 4 October 2022 at 6pm.
- Welcome and Apologies
- Minutes of the 267th Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 2 November 2021 and matters arising.
- To receive and consider a report from the Board of Trustees including the accounts.
- To note the election results of the Fellowship Council and Trustee Board.
- *Resolution 1: To approve the Trustee Board’s reappointment of Jill Humphrey as Co-Treasurer.
- *Resolution 2: To approve the Trustee Board’s appointment of Charlotte Oades as Deputy Chair.
- To note and thank the outgoing Trustees: Pip Wilson (Deputy Chair), Jan Portillo, Don McLaverty (Chair of the Fellowship Council), Yemi Adeola (Fellowship Council representative), Shonagh Manson
Tim Eyles (Chair of the Board of Trustees)
September 2022
*See explanatory notes below.
The RSA - Incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a charity in England and Wales, number 212424 and in Scotland, number SC037784.
Patron HM The Queen (until 8th September 2022)
President HRH The Princess Royal
Trustee Board
At the start of the 2022 AGM the Trustee Board consists of:
Tim Eyles (Chair)
Jill Humphrey (Co-Treasurer, for a second term if resolution passed)
Ian Ailles (Co-Treasurer)#
Andrea Kershaw
Sam Lewis
Charlotte Oades (Deputy Chair, for a first term if resolution passed)
Shaifali Puri
John Towers (if elected for a second term)
Ric Grefe (RSA US Chair)
Erica Myers-Tattersall (RSA Oceania Representative)##
Changes to the Trustee Board since the last AGM:
#Ian Ailles was appointed Co-Treasurer for a first three-year term
##Erica Myers-Tattersall was appointed RSA Oceania Representative.
Charter & Bye-laws
The Society’s Charter & Bye-laws can be accessed here
Impact Report and Audited Statement of Accounts
The Society’s Impact Report, and Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements, can be accessed here
Explanatory Notes
*Resolution 1 – To approve the Trustee Board’s appointment of Jill Humphrey as Co-Treasurer.
Jill Humphrey has served for one term and it was unanimously approved by the Board that subject concurrence of the Annual General Meeting she should be asked to stand for a second term. As well as being on the Board as Co-Treasurer, Jill is Chair and Co-Treasurer of the Audit and Risk Committee and RSA Shipley Enterprises Ltd.
Jill is an accomplished global executive in banking and financial services and a Chartered Accountant. She brings a strong track record of delivering management solutions spanning organisational boundaries built upon a reputation for leading change through collaboration and influencing and has led a wide range of projects from technology, regulatory, accounting policy, learning, organisation design and governance.
Jill was previously a director at Deutsche Bank and is involved in a number of other organisations including Cockpit Arts Ltd (a creative business incubator) and Artburst Ltd (an award-winning social enterprise).
*Resolution 2 – To approve the Trustee Board’s appointment of Charlotte Oades as Deputy Chair.
Charlotte Oades was unanimously approved by the Board as Deputy Chair, following the conclusion of Pip Wilson’s second term of office in the role. As well as being a member of the Board, Charlotte serves on the Nominations and Governance Panel.
Charlotte has extensive experience of building brands, new business models and partnerships around the world. She has also been recognised for her pioneering work in women’s empowerment as a growth driver for business and the economic development of local communities.
Now focused on a portfolio non-executive career, Charlotte has previously held a variety of senior marketing and executive leadership roles with the Coca-Cola Company in the UK, Europe, the USA, Asia Pacific and globally. Former roles include leading one of the company’s top five operating divisions as President of Coca-Cola Great Britain. Most recently, she held a global sustainability and business development role across more than 200 countries as Global Vice President for Women’s Economic Empowerment. This included leadership of the ‘5by20’ initiative to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women entrepreneurs by 2020 across the Coca-Cola Company’s global value chain.
Charlotte is former Chair of the Global Business Coalition for Women’s Economic Empowerment and has served on Business in the Community’s Global Goals Leadership Team. Listed in Marketing Week’s “Vision 100”; Fast Company’s “Most Creative People in Business “and “League of Extraordinary Women” and Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Shake the World”.
Charlotte is a Fellow of the RSA, The Marketing Society and The Institute of Grocery Distribution; a member of the Marketing Group of Great Britain and Women in Advertising & Communications London (WACL). Founder member of the Global Women’s Leadership Council of The Coca-Cola Company.
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