Fellowship Councillors return to RSA House - RSA

Fellowship Councillors return to RSA House

Fellowship news

  • Picture of Ben Fleming
    Ben Fleming
    Fellowship Coordinator (Engagement)

On Thursday 20 June, 17 Fellowship councillors gathered for their first hybrid meeting of the year in the historic Tavern Room at RSA House to establish priorities for the next 12 months. 

Councillors journeyed to London from as far afield as Dublin, Carmarthen and Antwerp, while many others joined via Zoom. 

Progress update

Neil Beagrie, Council Chair since January 2024, kicked off proceedings by welcoming the new Fellowship councillors: Julie Samuels, Jordan Meade and Michael Dunlop. Neil reflected on progress since the last online quarterly meeting in March 2024, discussed advancements in the RSA’s Design for Life Mission and outlined how Fellowship councillors have been supporting Fellows and RSA staff.

Fellowship Councillors discussed how they could help bolster local activity in areas and nations, increasing Fellows’ sense of belonging, and identify opportunities for the Fellowship and RSA staff to collaborate. They also explored how to better engage local Fellows, work closely with area managers and boost engagement of Circle as our online community.  

Michael Dunlop, new councillor for Ireland and Northern Ireland, gave a powerful speech summarising the thoughts of his breakout group in response to the questionhow can we use councillors as a resource to help the organisation grow?

Looking ahead

The next Fellowship Council meeting will take place online in September. Fellows can find out more about their area councillor here and can reach out to councillors through Circle. 

For more updates of the Fellowship Council and wider RSA Fellowship activity, check out the Fellowship News page on the RSA website. 

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    Ben Fleming

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