Can Human Centred Design be used to tackle inequality in our own backyard? - RSA

Can Human Centred Design be used to tackle inequality in our own backyard?

Fellowship news

Three of our fellows, Anna Rickman, Jess Leitch from London+Acumen and Alice Holmberg, House of Holmberg, along with Sally Spinks from IDEO would like to invite the Fellowship to join them from 7pm on 15th December to a London+Acumen and Business Fights Poverty event on how Human Centred Design (HCD) can be used to tackle inequality in our own backyards.

Jess and Anna are the Co-Chairs of London+Acumen, a volunteer organisation that raises funds and awareness for Acumen.  Acumen is a philanthropic fund which is changing the way the world tackles poverty. Find out more at

Acumen invests in companies founded by social entrepreneurs and community leaders that make a social impact and typically have a ‘human centered design’ (HCD) approach at their core, using it to develop innovative ways to tackle poverty and inequality across the world.

The event will be facilitated by two experts in the field of HCD, Sally Spinks, Head of Organisational Design at IDEO and Alice Holmberg FRSA, Designer and Entrepreneur at House of Holmberg. Alice and Sally will inspire the audience to think about how they can use HCD to design innovative solutions to tackle poverty in their own backyards.  The event will be interactive, solution-focused and fun.  

Where? PwC, 7 More London, Riverside, Se1 2RT

When? 15 December, 19:00

Given the timing of the event, Anna, Jess and Alice would also love to have you join them for a festive beverage and some networking with others with an interest in social innovation, enterprise and design.  

Contact Jess Leitch for more information.

Book your place via the eventbrite page.


Anna, Jess and Alice would also really appreciate you inviting others from your network to the event and sharing the details of the event with your network via email, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Please feel free to use the sample posts below:

Can #HCD Human Centered #Design be used to tackle inequality & build purposeful leadership? Find out with @London4Acumen
Using #HCD to create an inclusive world @London4Acumen #AcumenHCD with Alice Holmberg @PrsUrban & Sally Spinks @ideo
Interested in #AcumenHCD for #socialinnovation course? @London4acumen is hosting an event with @PrsUrban & @ideo join them


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