Responsible AI Network (RAIN) - RSA networks - RSA

Responsible AI Network (RAIN)

RSA Responsible AI Network

The Responsible AI Network (RAIN) informs the responsible development, deployment, adoption and governance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and research.

This Fellowship network promotes an innovation ecosystem that welcomes diverse voices, reduces inequalities, embraces critical thinking, collaborates across disciplines, and enables the wellbeing of people, places and planet.

The Fellow-led RAIN endeavours to:

  • Shape practices: We provide civil society with an accessible and inclusive voice in matters concerning AI, challenge industry practices that contend with the responsible development, deployment, use and governance of AI, and engage policymakers in dialogues, providing diverse voices to the writing of AI-related policies and regulation;
  • Promote literacy: We bridge gaps in information and promote multidisciplinary action through clear, jargon-free language; we build the capabilities of the public at large through lifelong learning opportunities; and we enhance the ecological and social literacy with which AI systems are developed and used;
  • Ensure impact: Acknowledging the cost and privilege involved in community volunteering, we seek sponsorship, partnerships and other funded opportunities for the delivery of workshops on responsible AI, and conducting innovative research into the values and voices underpinning AI;
  • Inform the RSA: We inform the RSA’s AI-related practices to ensure that the Fellowship’s values are promoted through the organisation’s partnerships, communications, and technological deployment and adoption.

Meet your network leads

Picture of Ismael Kherroubi Garcia
Founder and CEO, Kairoi

Picture of Sir Michael Allan Galvez, KR
Digital Marketing & Design Manager, BFV Management

Join the Responsible AI Network on Circle

Are you an RSA Fellow with an interest in AI? Join our space on Circle and inform the responsible development, deployment, adoption and governance of AI technologies and research.

What is RSA Fellowship?

The RSA has been at the forefront of significant social impact since 1754. We invite you to be part of this change.

Join Fellowship Networks

The RSA’s Fellow-led thematic and local networks explore, devise, test or spearhead ideas which have the potential to become a powerful source of social change.

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Online Community

As well as a dedicated event series, RSA Fellows are also invited to join our online platform where they're able to connect

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