RSA Spark: creativity changes tomorrow
The Steps, RSA House and Online via Zoom
At this event, the Design for Life team will share learnings and provocations from our RSA Spark initiative.
Welcome to RSA Wales | Cymru, where we focus our work and activity on bringing together the wisdom of Fellows and connecting groups of engaged changemakers.
We do this nationally through quarterly Y Caban meetings, and locally through Fellow-led conversation. In all our meetings we share our work, insights and passion for bringing positive changes to Wales | Cymru and the wider world. Through our conversations we discover connections between each other and how we may contribute to the ongoing work of the RSA. We build on the key themes of the Wellbeing for Future Generations Act, and explore ways in which to create sustainable wellbeing.
In 2023, we are focusing our work around Wellbeing for Future Generations goals and young people, through the lens of our “collective futures” and a series of themed events across Wales. We will be doing this in partnership with others who are interested in supporting a mindset shift to a more regenerative, resilient and rebalanced world for people, places and planet.
We also support innovation and impact through our local area grants and Catalyst Award winner’s work in Wales | Cymru.
Here, you can find updates and activity from RSA Fellows across Wales | Cymru. Browse upcoming events and news or read about Fellow-led projects that are looking for your support.
Have your say on future activity by attending an event or by getting in touch with the team. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the RSA Wales | Cymru team.
Gwneir hyn yn genedlaethol drwy gyfarfodydd Y Caban a gynhelir yn chwarterol, ac yn lleol drwy sgyrsiau a arweinir gan Gymrodyr. Ym mhob un o’n cyfarfodydd rydym yn rhannu gwybodaeth am ein gwaith, mewnwelediadau ac angerdd dros ysgogi newidiadau cadarnhaol i Gymru a'r byd ehangach. Trwy ein sgyrsiau rydym yn darganfod y cysylltiadau rhwng ein gilydd a sut y gallwn gyfrannu at waith parhaus yr RSA.
Yn 2023, rydym yn canolbwyntio ein gwaith fel yr RSA yng Nghymru ar nodau Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol a phobl ifanc drwy lens ein “dyfodol cyfunol” a chyfres o ddigwyddiadau seiliedig ar thema ledled Cymru.
Gwneir hyn mewn partneriaeth ag eraill sydd â diddordeb mewn cefnogi newid meddylfryd i fyd sy’n adfywiol, gwydn gyda phwyslais ar bobl, lleoedd a'r blaned.
Rydym hefyd yn cefnogi arloesedd ac effaith trwy ein grantiau ardal lleol a gwaith enillydd Gwobr Catalydd yng Nghymru.
Yma, gallwch ddod o hyd i ddiweddariadau a gweithgaredd gan Gymrodyr RSA ledled Cymru. Porwch drwy ddigwyddiadau a newyddion sydd ar y gweill neu darllenwch am brosiectau a arweinir gan Gymrodyr sy'n chwilio am eich cefnogaeth.
Cewch gyfle i ddweud eich dweud ynglŷn â gweithgaredd yn y dyfodol drwy fynychu digwyddiad neu drwy gysylltu â'r tîm. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â thîm RSA Wales | Cymru.
The Steps, RSA House and Online via Zoom
At this event, the Design for Life team will share learnings and provocations from our RSA Spark initiative.
The Adam Smith Theatre, KY1 1ET
Join RSA Fellows in Kirkcaldy for an informal catch up and a chance to network and build connections over coffee or a drink.
Anderson Strathern Solicitors Edinburgh, EH3 8BP
Following on from our 'Facing the Future' event in November, this event will explore issues around housing.
Fellowship news
Fionna Monk
Launched on 21 October, the Young Fellows Mentoring Programme is designed exclusively for our global Fellowship, responding to one of the top five priorities identified in our Annual Fellowship Survey: mentoring. This programme fosters collaboration and growth, offering a dynamic exchange of skills and expertise, directly shaped by Fellow feedback.
Fellowship news
In 2023, we introduced more ways for Fellows to get involved in our work than ever before. Your views are vital in shaping our shared future. Here we outline some of the ways we have engaged Fellows in 2023.
Fellowship news
Fellowship Councillors are at the heart of the RSA and play a key role in ensuring the Fellowship’s voice is heard, by providing a vital link between staff and our unique global network of changemakers. Could you be the next Fellowship Councillor for Scotland, Wales or the South East?
Bringing Fellows together in collaboration on their innovations and our mission.