Mark Shayler
Founding Partner, Do Lectures
Mark Shayler is an environmental consultant.
Mark hasn’t decided what he wants to do when he grows up yet, in the interim he’s made quite a good fist of helping businesses with eco-design and environmental stuff. You know, trees, birds, bees, doing more with less, and reducing waste. That kind of thing. He’s a big believer in doing better things rather than just doing things better. He’s worked with some of the world’s largest and smallest businesses. He’s helped redesign everything from packaging to pasties, houses to honey pots. He works with schools and Universities to help students think differently. He’s saved his clients over £85 million (£15 million this year). He wishes he was paid a percentage. He is a founding partner of the Do Lectures and he keeps, chickens, ducks and children (not against their will).