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Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis

Economist, author and politician

Yanis Varoufakis famously resigned from the Greek government in 2015 rather than sign what he viewed as a fraudulent bail-out deal for an impoverished Greece – the first and only finance minister to defy the European establishment. Since his clashes with some of the mightiest individuals and institutions on the planet, Varoufakis – celebrated by some, vilified by others – has co-founded the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25), the Progressive International, and founded and led a new political party into the Greek parliament (MERA25).

A leading economist, he is one of the most recognisable political figures in the western world, with over a million Twitter followers and many best-selling books to his name.


Instagram: @yanis.varoufakis 

X: @yanisvaroufakis