Get Connected - RSA

Get Connected

Fellowship events

 -  | Eastern Standard Time

9am-10am PST/12pm-1pm ET

  • Community and place-based action
  • Community engagement
  • Social networks

Join the RSA US community for an opportunity to meet, learn from and connect with one another.

A natural outgrowth of our recently-launched social connections intervention, this session is an opportunity for us to facilitate and engage in fostering, building and supporting meaningful relationships amongst our Fellows. At a time where loneliness, polarization and a crisis of civic life are all peaking, this informal event is designed to bring people together in order to create connection, and provide a space to be with, learn from and support one another.

We believe in the power of genuine connections. This event is structured to encourage engagement and foster a welcoming environment. We will kick off the session with an activity that will help you get to know fellow attendees in a fun and personal way. Depending on the interests of participants, the number of attendees and the energy in the session, we have a few different options for how the session may evolve. Whether you're looking to expand your professional circle or simply meet new friends, our intention is that this event offers ample opportunities for meaningful interaction that goes beyond traditional professional networking.

This event is open to everyone interested in fostering authentic connections and contributing to a supportive community. Whether you're a professional, student, activist, or simply someone who values authentic relationships, we hope you'll find this session valuable. We anticipate this is the first of a series of opportunities for informal and meaningful connection.

Taking part in online events

For our interactive online events, the RSA uses the platform Zoom. It may be necessary to follow a short set-up process. To understand how Zoom uses your data, please read their privacy policy.

Zoom call joining details will be sent via email in advance of the event.

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments to support your participation, please let the team know by emailing:

We sometimes record our online RSA Fellowship events for learning purposes, publicity and/or public viewing. By attending this event, you accept that you may appear in RSA videos or images as an attendee of this event.