Making change local - RSA

Making change local

Fellowship events



  • Fellowship in Action
  • Social innovation

How does change happen? What gets in the way? Who can help?

Join us for the final event in the Making Change series, exploring the conditions for making lasting social change.

In this event we’re focusing on how change happens from the ‘bottom-up’. Looking at grassroots initiatives and community asset-mapping, embracing the complex, interconnected relationship between the hyper-local and societal change.

Speakers include:

There’ll be a chance to ask questions, then we’ll move into breakout groups to share experiences and ideas, and make connections, before returning for a plenary conversation.

The event is free and open to all.  

Find out more about RSA’s Living Change Framework and RSA Public Services & Communities.

Taking part in RSA online events

For our interactive online events, the RSA uses the platform Zoom.

To participate in the event, you will need to register for a ticket to receive the details to join.

Please note that for this event, latecomers who arrive more than 15 minutes after the start time will not be admitted.

Attendees will need to register for a free Zoom account and download their software. To understand more about how Zoom uses your data, please read their Privacy Policy in advance.

We record many of our online events. By attending this online event you accept that you may appear in RSA videos as a participant. Our intention is to use any recording of this event for learning purposes and to document the content of the discussion. Currently we do not have plans to share this recording publicly, but may do so in the future.

If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements or reasonable adjustments you require, please email: