These days it's fashionable to call for Citizens Assemblies on every topic from school dinners to climate change. Indeed, deliberations are hailed as the next step in democracy, but they aren't infallible.
Throughout this series of discussions we are slowly building up expertise within our community on how to set up deliberations. Eventually we'll change from discussion mode into workshop mode where we actually help those in our community begin to plan some deliberations across the US and beyond. We hope that you'll join us and learn more in our next meeting as we discuss the limits on situations where deliberations are appropriate.
Are there topics that are inappropriate for deliberation? (e.g. involving state secrets, too complex, too simple, too controversial, toxic subjects, legal consequences for individuals)
When do deliberations work best?
How do deliberations fail?
The discussion is open to all whether you've been to any before or not. These talks are intended for those who are curious about deliberation to learn more, and to meet and hear from experts on the subject.