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Start with a service: question the system
Cat Drew is a director at Uscreates, a service design agency specialising in health and wellbeing where she leads work for local and national government around citizen-led innovation and place-based change.
To celebrate the launch of the 2018/19 Student Design Awards, Cat shares her thoughts on how service design methodologies are pushing beyond the realm of services, and questioning more systemic, underlying issues, including power, culture and societal values.
The event will be followed by a drinks reception in the RSA Benjamin Franklin Room.
The RSA Student Design Awards challenge emerging designers to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic issues through design thinking.
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I have alteady published a design for an economic operating system that would eliminate poverty and economic deprivation. It was published in September/October 2013. The system would give every citizen the freedom and economic power to live their own lives in their own way.