Capabilities for Life Faculty Members - RSA intervention - RSA

Capabilities for Life Faculty Members

The Capabilities for Life faculty group is comprised of dedicated learning facilitators and visionaries from around the world.

The mission of both the faculty and the RSA is to transform the way capabilities (skills, behaviours, mindsets and values) are nurtured, focusing on connecting people’s needs with those of the planet.

Over the summer of 2024, they will be working with our Design and Innovation team to co-produce engaging and inclusive learning experiences that will support learners of all ages to nurture the capabilities, capacity and collaborations needed to affect deep and impactful change to people, place and planet.

Tariq Al-Olaimy

Tariq Al-Olaimy headshot

Job title

Co-Founder, Recipes for Wellbeing

Areas of expertise

  • Learning and content design advice
  • Framing of our worldview shift in the curriculum
  • Multicultural language and framing
  • Business model framing

Professor Ruth Crick

Professor Ruth Crick headshot

Job title

Founder, WILD Ltd and WILD Learning Sciences CIC and Visiting Professor of Learning Analytics, Connected Intelligence Centre at UTS, Sydney.

Areas of expertise

  • Digital platforms
  • Learner-centred assessment
  • Bringing learnings from RSA Opening Minds Curriculum
  • Mentor platforms
  • Impact network to TES and communicating our work

Faye Ellis

Faye Ellis headshot

Job title

Digital Coach and EdTech Consultant

Areas of expertise

  • Framing for secondary learners and educators
  • Inclusive learning design principles and content
  • Translating content to digital platform

Michael Gernon

Michael Gernon headshot

Job title

Education consultant and advisor (former CEO and Principal)

Areas of expertise

  • Bringing in learnings from RSA Academies
  • Framing and value prop for secondary learners and educators
  • Capability accreditation

Sawsan Khuri

Sawsan Khuri headshot

Job title

Director of Collaborative Capacities and Volt Entrepreneurs Limited

Areas of expertise

  • Framing for entrepreneurs
  • Peer learning journey for entrepreneurs
  • Mentorship platform support
  • Multicultural language and needs

Naomi Lord

Naomi Lord headshot

Job title

Director of Creative Learning, Specialist Leader of Cultural Learning

Areas of expertise

  • Language of secondary learners
  • Learning assessment and accreditation (badge mapping)
  • In-school testing
  • Translate of learning content for online platforms

Dr Richard Owens

Dr Richard Owens headshot

Job title

Director, Woodleigh Institute

Areas of expertise

  • Life-centric pedagogical principles and framing
  • Material and framing for educators and facilitators
  • Nurturing life-centric capabilities in an asynchronous/online setting
  • Multicultural framing and testing

Paul Pivcevic

Paul Pivcevic headshot

Job title

Regenerative Systems Designer, Regenerative Partners

Areas of expertise

  • Life-centric framing (pushing others and our own boundaries)
  • Framing for entrepreneurs and secondary learners
  • Connecting outcomes to businesses

Pooja Sharma

Pooja Sharma headshot

Job title

Founder, Inclusive Duniya

Areas of expertise

  • Inclusive language and framing
  • Aligning sprint learning journeys for global audiences
  • Multicultural framing
  • Testing in international school settings

Sarah Spencer

Sarah Spencer headshot

Job title

Chief Ecosystem Officer, Think like a Tree

Areas of expertise

  • Learning and mentorship for the facilitation of a life-centric mindset shift
  • Connection to business framing
  • Entrepreneur language and framing for young learners, parents and out of school learners

Discover more about our Capabilities for Life intervention

  • Capabilities for Life Framework

    A framework to nurture life-centric capabilities

  • Capabilities for Life

    Design for Life supports people to learn and lead. We're unlocking the confidence, capabilities and connections of children, learners and entrepreneurs of all ages.

  • Design for Life

    Design for Life enables people, places, and the planet to flourish in harmony. We do this by uniting people and ideas in collective action to unlock opportunities to regenerate our world.