Your Data and Privacy

Before proceeding to the RSA’s online community platform (Circle) please confirm you have read and accepted the below notice regarding your privacy and data. Should there be any change to the terms on which the RSA or Circle, Inc handle your data in future, the RSA will notify you about this.

The RSA has contracted with Circle Co, Inc. to provide a community platform that helps bring users together for discussions, memberships, and content. As set out in Circle Co, Inc’s Data Processing agreement, the personal data to be transferred are:

Account information – email address, name and password. This information may be used by Circle to:

o Set up and authenticate your account. This may include sharing this information with any enabled Single-Sign On provider.

o Communicate with you, including sending service-related communications.

o Deal with enquiries or complaints made by or about you relating to the Website, App or Services.

Identifiers – IP addresses, unique device identifiers, etc. Other than information you choose to provide to Circle, information about your precise location is not collected. However, your device’s IP address may help to determine an approximate location. Circle may use the information to:

o Monitor and detect fraud or suspicious activity relating to your account.

o Tailor how the Website, App, or Services are displayed to you (such as the language in which it is provided to you).

o Share with its sub-processors (AWS, Baremetrics, Bugsnag, Cloudflare, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Segment, TrackJS) for the purposes of personalising Circle’s service and data analytics.

User-generated content (e.g. posts, comments, likes). This information is used by Circle to provide to you the features and functionality of the Website, App, or Services. Circle does not share this information with any third-party provider. However, other users of the Website, App or Services may view any content that you make public.


o Information about how you access and use Circle’s Website, App, or Services is collected automatically. For example: what time you accessed the Website, App or Services, the duration spent on the Website, App or Services, how frequently it is accessed, the site from which you came onto the Circle Website and the site to which you are going when you leave, the Circle Website pages you visit, the links you click, whether you open emails or click the links contained in emails.

o Log files and information about the device you use to connect to the Website, App, or Services is automatically collected. This information includes details about your device, unique device identifying numbers, operating systems, browsers and applications connected to the Website, App, or Services through the device, your mobile network, your IP address and your device’s telephone number (if it has one).

o The above information is shared with Circle’s sub-processors (AWS, Baremetrics, Bugsnag, Cloudflare, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Segment, TrackJS) for the purposes of personalising Circle’s service and data analytics.

If you contact Circle directly, e.g., by email or phone, they will record your comments and opinions. This information will be used to address your questions, issues and concerns. The information may also be used to improve the Website, App, and Services. Circle may also share this information with Help scout, the provider of Circle’s customer support platform, which processes customer support queries.

For more information on how the RSA handles your data and privacy please check our privacy policy.