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26 Sep 2022
Diana Finch
Childcare, taking care of the family home, buying and preparing food, and supporting the vulnerable in our community… all hugely important jobs and all miserably underpaid. Diana Finch, of Bristol Pay, suggests a better way to remunerate the essential work without which our societies would collapse.
12 Apr 2022
Eirliani Rahman
Amid the horror of the Russian invasion, criminals see opportunities. Eirliani Abdul Rahman, who works to help abused and trafficked children, and adult survivors of the brutal trade, says many thousands of innocent victims are slipping through the cracks.
27 Apr 2021
Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz FRSA
Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz FRSA on why the Covid-19 pandemic prompted him to create online men’s groups.
10 Mar 2021
Lynn Houmdi FRSA
Lynn Houmdi FRSA on how her social enterprise Making Work Work is helping change workplace culture and support women.
09 Nov 2020
Alex Krawiec FRSA
Alex Krawiec FRSA on the abortion rights protests in Poland
28 Sep 2020
Caren Gestetner FRSA
Caren Gestetner FRSA on helping schools challenge gender stereotypes
13 Jun 2019
Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz
The biggest killer of men in the UK under 45 is suicide. As Men’s Health Week comes to a close, Kenny Mammarella-D’Cruz FRSA, who has worked with men for almost 30 years, explores why so many men do not access help and what could be done.
27 Sep 2018
Robert Lindberg
Gender equality should be taught from a young age so that society can unlearn damaging assumptions about gender norms before it's too late.
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