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13 Jun 2022
Matthew Barber-Rowell
Climate change, a cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine, the fallout from Brexit… sometimes it can seem we live in a time of constant uncertainty. But amid the crises, Dr Matthew Barber-Rowell has been finding, curating and nurturing 'Spaces of Hope'
25 May 2022
Natasha Robson
In a complex world of free-flowing information and misinformation, where we are often being sold to without realising it, clear thought is more vital than ever. Natasha Robson explains how she is educating people to think about their thinking
23 Jul 2021
Adam Stones FRSA
Adam Stones FRSA on the skills we each need to develop to be successful changemakers.
12 May 2021
Ella Al-Shamahi
Ella Al-Shamahi on how Covid-19 has made us wave goodbye to the handshake.
27 Apr 2021
Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz FRSA
Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz FRSA on why the Covid-19 pandemic prompted him to create online men’s groups.
16 Jul 2020
Charles Fowler FRSA
Charles Fowler FRSA on why we have such an unbalanced view of the world around us and what to do about it.
15 Jun 2020
Chris Oestereich FRSA
Chris Oestereich FRSA on how participatory design works and why greater citizen control could lead to even better solutions.
05 May 2020
Thom Kirkwood FRSA
Thom Kirkwood FRSA writes about understanding neurodiversity.
04 Dec 2017
Melanie Kirkbride
For decades, programs and policies have been aiming to bring us a harmonious work life balance. Melanie Kirkbride FRSA argues that we have been asking the wrong question.
17 Sep 2017
Clem Henricson
Psychologists have long established the importance of early years attachment and subsequent separation to human development.
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