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The growing international network of ‘RSA Connectors’ has broken through the 40 barrier - with our latest Connectors being added in Singapore and Canada.

25 RSA Fellows gathered at the British Council, in Berlin Alexanderplatz, for a live video-streaming of RSA Chief Executive Matthew Taylor’s annual lecture - with a get-together and refreshments afterwards

You can view all the profiles of RSA Connectors here.

RSA Connectors is a new and growing network of RSA Fellows worldwide who act as a first port-of-call and a ‘friendly face’ for new Fellows who want to find out more and get involved, and who help local Fellows to organise events and collaborate on projects. (The focus has largely been away from those countries with well-established RSA structures or staff, such as the USA or Australia/New Zealand).

The long-term target - of course - is to have Connectors in all 101 countries where there are RSA Fellows.

a first port-of-call and a ‘friendly face’ for new Fellows who want to find out more and get involved

Live-streaming the Chief Executive’s Annual Lecture - in Berlin

Fellowship activity that RSA Connectors have initiated include a live-streaming video showing of RSA Chief Executive Matthew Taylor’s annual lecture (link to video) - at the British Council, in Berlin Alexanderplatz. Another event is planned for January.

Led by the Finnish Connector, a delegation of 10 Finns involved in a manufacturing project recently visited John Adam Street - for activities including a workshop led by RSA Director of Enterprise Julian Thompson.

In Poland, the RSA Connector - along with UK-based Fellow Edward Truch - has investigated opportunities for partnerships with the Fellowship, through meetings with the British Ambassador, politicians, academic institutions and think-tanks.

Other countries such as Denmark and France have organised meetings to bring Fellows together and look at ways forward. Following the Paris meeting, a PowerPoint presentation was producing - looking at the composition and aspirations of the French Fellowship, ways forward and more. It was sent to every Fellow in France.


* RSA Connectors webpage

* How-tos, resources and advice for organising Fellows' meetings, networks or projects (including how to run an event using live-streamed video from an RSA lecture) are available in Fellowship.


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