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Below are 7 key ways that you can become more active as an RSA Fellow: take the opportunity to forge interesting new connections, promote your events more widely, find collaborators for your project and much else besides.

You will find further help on the Guide to RSA online communities page. (If you are new to the internet, go to the ‘Help me get active online’ section. If you are a Fellow who needs help or encouragement to become active online, you can also contact one of the growing network of RSA regional digital champions. If you are happy to offer occasional help to Fellows wanting to get more active online and would like to join this network of digital champions, do get in touch).

1. Make sure you are signed up for the fortnightly RSA online newsletter

The top news about RSA and Fellows' activity, events and achievements comes in the fortnightly RSA e-newsletter - make sure you don’t overlook it in your inbox. (E-mail Sarah Tucker if you're not receiving it).

2. Join the RSA Fellowship social network (on Ning)

The RSA has its main social network at (1,600+ members), and there are also other regional social networks. (All use the Ning platform).

They all have broadly Facebook-like functionality: you can join, or start, discussions on one of 50+ groups (everyting from the Social Entrepreneurs Network to RSA digital engagement to Profit with Purpose and the Coaching and Mentoring Initiative), as well as write blog posts, add videos, invite people to events etc.

3. Join the RSA group on Linkedin

Join the 1,800 RSA Fellows who are part of the RSA group on the professionals’ social networking site Linkedin. You can post discussions, news, comments, promote events, send direct messages, join groups etc. (NB unlike other online communities that are open to all, this group is Fellow-only).

4. Follow RSA staff or RSA Fellows on Twitter

Many civic innovators are now sharing their passions on Twitter - and it's so easy to get involved, and start sharing your own.

A great place to start is to look at the conversations taking place using the hash tag #theRSA. You can also follow these Twitter lists showing the latest tweets from: RSA staff and RSA Fellows. (If you are a Fellow who tweets, but are not yet on the Twitter list, please let me know).

5. ‘Like’ the RSA page on Facebook

Learn more about RSA activity and engage with others on the RSA page on Facebook. Over 26,000 have ‘Liked’ the page so far.

6. Become an RSA blogger

As well as submitting a blog post to RSA Comment you can also comment on the posts on the Projects/Fellowship blogs as well as Matthew Taylor’s blog, RSA Comment, and the RSA US and Australia/NZ blogs.

7. Make the RSA online activity dashboard your web browser’s homepage

See what’s happening right now on a range RSA-related online spaces (including Fellows’ blogs, Twitter, Ning social networks etc on this online activity dashboard (made using Netvibes). No need to sign up, just click on the link to view the page of activity.

Why not set your PC’s web browser (in Tools>Options) to open up with this webpage when you turn it on? (If you are a blogging Fellow and would like your blog included in with the other Fellows' blog posts shown on this page, do let me know).

I plan to highlight various elements of the RSA's social media in a series of blog posts over the coming months. (I always appreciate feedback/improvement ideas related to the RSA's current social media set-up. Please don't hesitate to get in touch).

Matthew Mezey is Senior Networks Manager - Online & International. Twitter @matthewmezey.


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