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Kudos to London's Arcola Theatre for the announcement of their new plan to further green the theatre, putting sustainability at the centre of its work. The impressive thing about Ben Todd and his team at Arcola's plan is it's not just about bricks and mortar - though they do have the support of Arup's sustainability experts on that; it's about successfully integrating the theatre into the wider enviroment as a kind of signpost for more fundamental change. As Todd said in the launch document: “Wrapped around the main stage will be dynamic spaces to accommodate our ever-growing environmental sustainability and community engagement programmes."

Kudos to London's Arcola Theatre for the announcement of their new plan to further green the theatre, putting sustainability at the centre of its work. The impressive thing about Ben Todd and his team at Arcola's plan is it's not just about bricks and mortar - though they do have the support of Arup's sustainability experts on that; it's about successfully integrating the theatre into the wider enviroment as a kind of signpost for more fundamental change. As Todd said in the launch document: “Wrapped around the main stage will be dynamic spaces to accommodate our ever-growing environmental sustainability and community engagement programmes."

And the other, even more impressive thing, is that they're putting much better funded arts institutions to shame with their implementation of this plan.

I've just been sent the book Theatre Materials, edited by Eleanor Margolies. There's a good quote in there from Todd from the original Theatre Materials conference back in the spring about why theatre can be so successful at these initiatives - something that really fits with our Design team's ideas of resourcefulnes:

"There is a big fear that theatre can't go green because it costs too much money, but theatre has always operated with minimal resources. Theatre people are incredibly resourceful and thatre ahs always proven that it can operate with very little money. Theatre knows how to get things done."

In a kind of "Let's do the show right here, folks!" way...


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