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In advance of COP15, there is a growing mass of intiatives binding us together to scare the negotiators into action. Here are a some that are appearing loudly and clearly on the radar. Which ones have I left out? Drop me a line.

In advance of COP15, there is a growing mass of intiatives binding us together to scare the negotiators into action. Here are a some that are appearing loudly and clearly on the radar. Which ones have I left out? Drop me a line.

best-of-1TckTckTck The Global Citizens for Climate Action Campaign launched in August, partnered with Greenpeace, Christian Aid and Oxfam, counting us down from 100 days to COP15.

best-of-210:10 The 10:10 campaign launched off the back of Franny Armstrong's Age of Stupid, focussing minds on cutting our emissions by 10% next year, but big on pressurising Ed Miliband to bring the goods from Copenhagen. Bill McKibben's campaign to get world leaders to agree to a workable target of 350ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere plans for an international day of action on Oct 24.

best-4Vote Earth Off the back of the WWF's Earth Hour campaign run back in March, the climate change charity have issued this global petition to world leaders.the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

best-5Sandbag "Real action on climate change" exploit the arcanities of Europe's carbon trading schemes by  "retiring" surplus credits.  They also have a COP15 "One giant leap" petition they want you to sign.

best-6Seal the deal 2009 The UN's European Climate Campaign, aims to create a "mosaic" of faces and voices with an online petition calling for change at Copenhagen. This is sTTThehe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ome more invisible writing this is some invisible writing. best-7Mobilization for Climate Justice North American coalition of activists pressing for a deal are planning major actions throughout the US on November 30. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

best-8untitled7Never trust a COP ... and for those who don't have faith that the more conventional appeals above are going to work, here's the radical leftists' direct action network on COP15.

Pretty much something for everybody there... Let us know which campaigns you think are working best.

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best-9Hopenhagen. A snappy web-based initiative that gives people the chance to come together over the question "What gives you hope?" Catch-all question that's the start of a rolling social media campaign. 

And, this just in: Global Wake-Up Call Following a global poll, now plan a day of flash mob action in towns and cities everywhere on Sept 21.


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