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Another hastily filmed Flipcam video. I am clearly no Franny Armstrong:

Another hastily filmed Flipcam video. I am clearly no Franny Armstrong:

10:10 campaign launch, Tate Modern, London from RSA Arts & Ecology on Vimeo.

The strategy is to create enough of a mass movement to make people feel it's OK to make changes in their life, and to give Ed M. the kick in the pants he requires to move forward. I'm not sure how successful the event was in achieving that. It was great to get the front page of The Guardian and a page in The Sun but because news of the event was sprung on most people yesterday, the event seemed a little thinly attended. It didn't feel like the mass movement we need - not yet anway. It felt mostly like people a bit like me.

It'll be interesting to see how many people have signed the pledge online...

[Takes a look]

6,472 so far. Less than one in ten thousand.

It may be early days, but given how well it was publicised, and the readership of media partners, The Sun and The Guardian, I would say that's a little disappointing but I'll leave the last word to the hardcore transitionist at the end who said, "When you see lots of other people getting involved it gives you confidence that you're not a freak, you're not out on your own."


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