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We are in for a season of civil disobedience. The Save Vestas campaign has gone national. Kingsnorth rumbles on, as does the Heathrow protest - which is likely to be the focus of the next Climate Camp at the end of August. Next month also sees Wales'  and Scotland's first Climate Camps. As COP15 focusses minds, there are even plans to disrupt the Copenhagen meeting.

We are in for a season of civil disobedience. The Save Vestas campaign has gone national. Kingsnorth rumbles on, as does the Heathrow protest - which is likely to be the focus of the next Climate Camp at the end of August. Next month also sees Wales'  and Scotland's first Climate Camps. As COP15 focusses minds, there are even plans to disrupt the Copenhagen meeting.

A generation of jobless students will now swell numbers. But should those less used to participating in civil action also be getting stuck in?

In a recent newsletter [PDF 147KB], climate scientist/activist James Hansen concludes with a short section titled "Civil Resistance: Is the Sundance Kid a Criminal?", suggesting the urgent need for what Gandhi called "civil resistance" rather than "civil disobedience", especially directed towards companies who are guilty of passing the bill for carbon clean up to future generations. Even though his choice of gun-slinging Western hero rather shows which era he's coming from, I guess he's qualified to talk, because James Hansen himself was arrested alongside Daryl Hannah last month for his part in the West Virginia coal mining protests.

The excellent climate science blogger Jo Abbess has just raised his arrest in a post which argues that such action by scientists is vital because, as George Marshall of the New Scientist has been saying, the public as a whole are not changing their behaviour in the way that those scientists know they should be .

This argument implies that scientists, as the people who really understand the bottom line, are now ethically bound to start to do more than produce data. They must join with scientists like Hansen. But if scientists remain hesitant to get start linking arms and chaining themselves to fences, Hansen's own reputation as a leading climate scientist is an example of why. The man warned Congress back in 1988 about the perils of global warming has been under assault ever since he turned activist. Despite his role as a leading scientist and head of the NASA Gordon Institute for Space Studies, his name has been dragged through the mud by global warming sceptics. His arrest last month prompted the New York Times headline "Does NASA's James Hansen Still Matter?"

What are the responsibilities of those who know to act? And what are the consequences if they do?

"Well done ThWART" photo by darrangange


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