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A little more information on Manu Luksch, whose great film Let It Snow!... was posted yesterday. As that short shows, she's a filmmaker who can conjure beautiful images from the ugliest topics.

A little more information on Manu Luksch, whose great film Let It Snow!... was posted yesterday. As that short shows, she's a filmmaker who can conjure beautiful images from the ugliest topics.

With Mukul Patel, she's the co-founder of art movie production company She's also the creator of the extraordinary Faceless, "a CCTV fairy tale" released last year, created within the strictures laid down in the "Manifesto For CCTV Filmmakers". The manifesto's first principle is "The filmmaker is not permitted to introduce any cameras or lighting into the location." In other words, all shots have to be created using CCTV. All footage has to be then applied for under the provisions of the 1998 Data Protection Act, by painstakingly writing to request the footage from the individual, company or authority that is watching you. For once, production itself really is a political process.

Choreographed by the Ballet Boyz and voiced by actor Tilda Swinton, the film is a story about the nature of the surveillance society.

In a society under the reformed 'Real-Time' Calendar, without history nor future, everybody is faceless. A woman panics when she wakes up one day with a face. With the help of the Spectral Children she slowly finds out more about the lost power and history of the human face and begins the search for its future.

See the trailer here:


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